Remember, as the old saying goes, all politics is local. And this coming week we hope to see some of that in action.
The Holliston Democratic Town Committee will hold a caucus of registered Democrats at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 7th, in the Town Hall selectman's meeting room (703 Washington St., Holliston). The purpose of this caucus is to elect delegates to the June 6th State Democratic Party Convention being held this year in Springfield. The business of this year's convention will be to define and refine the party's platform and to workshop on policy issues and political involvement. The scheduled keynote speaker just might have some knowledge on these subjects; from grassroots organizing to progressive activism and political accomplishment: David Plouffe, campaign manager for Barack Obama's presidential campaign, has some demonstrated skills and valuable insight well worth hearing more about.
The theme we keep hearing in politics these days is the notion of what "we" can accomplish when "we" work together. Voting for people with an awareness of this is the first step—the next is participating in the process, and doing the hard work of actually defining agenda and setting priorities. Yes, we can get elected. We've shown that. Now is the time to show that —yes, we can lead, as well.
This summer's convention is open to all Democrats. The caucus on February 7th is to elect voting delegates to the convention. To be eligible, one must be a registered Democrat as of no later than December 31st of last year. The caucus proceedings will begin promptly at 11:00 and interested Democrats are required to arrive at 10:30 for sign in, as this is required by rule to participate.
More information is available on Massdems.org here or by contacting Holliston DTC chairman, Bob Cassidy at rscma@aol.com or (508) 429-5685 .
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