Monday, November 9, 2020

Thank You!

We are thrilled to congratulate President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris on their victory. We are looking forward to the renewal of our democratic process and the ideals we hold dear: equality, opportunity, and justice for all.

We are so thankful to our members and allies in this fight who worked tirelessly to create a brighter future. You phone banked, you texted, you donated, you held signs...and it truly made a difference. We heard from one campaign organizer:

I learned from people on the campaign that at the end, the MA organization had more active volunteers, volunteer shifts completed and phone calls made, than any state in the country that wasn't a battleground state with paid staffers on the ground or California, New York.

That is huge, and deserves to be celebrated. So enjoy this time and prepare for the hard work ahead.

Keep an eye on our web site and Facebook page for ways we can help with the Georgia special elections and other important efforts!

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